Preseason Fixtures
Saturday 8th March: GPS vs University @ South Pine Sports Complex
Saturday 15th March: GPS vs Brothers/Sunnybank @ South Pine Sports Complex
9:50 AM | Field 1 | 4th & 5th Grade vs Brothers 9:50 AM | Field 2 | Colts 3 & Colts 4 vs Brothers 11:10 AM | Field 1 | 3rd Grade vs Brothers 11:10 AM | Field 2 | Colts 2 vs Brothers 12:30 PM | Field 1 | 2nd Grade vs Brothers 12:30 PM | Field 2 | Colts 1 vs Brothers 2:00 PM | Field 1 | 1st Grade vs Sunnybank
Saturday 22nd March: GPS vs Easts @ Bottomley Park
Timings TBC
Vale Evan ‘Peter’ Robinson
The club mourns the passing of former player, and longtime supporter Evan ‘Peter’ Robinson. Peter passed away peacefully on the 8th October.
He was a great follower of all things GPS Rugby all his life. He will be remembered fondly.
2024 AGM Notification
Dear Members,
The Management Committee invites all members to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, 5th December at 6.00pm at the GPS Rugby Union Club, Yoku Road, Ashgrove.
General Meeting Agenda 5/12/2024
Receiving of the President’s Report
Receiving of the Treasurer’s Report
Election of:
Vice President
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Office Bearers (4)
Appointment of Auditor
Appointment of Patron
Nominations for Life Membership of GPS Rugby
General Business
Please be advised that the election of office bearers to be conducted at the Annual General Meeting as per notice.
Nominations are invited for the following positions –
Vice President
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Office Bearers (4)
All members are encouraged to nominate for positions. Nominations will close at 5.00pm on Friday 15th November 2024. All nominations are to be with the secretary by this time. Nomination forms are available from the Club Office or via the club website by clicking here.
Please note that the only members and life members are entitled to vote at the AGM. Members under the age of 18 are not entitled to vote but may be represented by an audit with a maximum of one representative and vote per family. Your membership status is shown below.
Colleen Murphy
22nd October 2024
Vale Ken Waller
The club mourns the passing of 1961 1st Grade Premiership winning player Ken Waller who passed away on the 3rd September. He will be remembered fondly.
Vale Andrew ‘John’ Garde
The club mourns the loss of 1972 1st Grade Premiership winner Andrew ‘John’ Garde.
A service will be held on Thursday, 12th September 1:00pm at St Augustine’s Anglican Church, Hamilton followed by a gathering at the Breakfast Creek Hotel.