Fraser Brydon Fraser Brydon

Special General Meeting



6PM 23 JULY 2024

GPS Clubhouse Yoku Road Ashgrove


Purpose:  To consider changes to the rules of the GPS Rugby Club Inc.

As per the schedule (Available on the GPS website - under Club Governance Tab)


Reason: - Changes are to update the Association’s Rules in various administrative matters and to align with recent updates in Queensland’s Associations Incorporation Act


Colleen Murphy


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Fraser Brydon Fraser Brydon

Vale Alan ‘Alby’ Taylor

The club mourns the loss of Alan ‘Alby’ Taylor, Life Member, long-time supporter, Past President and GPS Father, Grand Father and Great Grand Father. He passed away peacefully in Hospital on Friday 22nd March surrounded by his wife Margaret and family. Alby was 91 years old and very much lived a full life, and will be remembered fondly by all that knew him.

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Fraser Brydon Fraser Brydon

'World's Best Beach to See Nature'

Club Sponsor News

The secret is out! We’re so excited to share that Tangalooma has been crowned the 'World's Best Beach to See Nature' by Lonely Planet! 🏝️🐬

 Don't miss the chance to experience exactly why this paradise was voted one of the world's best beaches (before the crowds arrive!) - & of course don’t forget to use your special GPS Rugby discount code for 15% off all Tangalooma day cruises, selected accommodation & ferry transfers!

 Tangalooma Island Resort | Moreton Island Hotel & Tours

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Colleen Murphy Colleen Murphy

2023 AGM Notification

Dear Members,

 The Management Committee invites all members to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, 7th December at 6.00pm at the GPS Clubhouse, Yoku Road, Ashgrove.

 General Meeting Agenda 7/12/2023


  1. Apologies

  2. Receiving of the President’s Report

  3. Receiving of the Treasurer’s Report

  4. Election of:


Honorary Secretary

Honorary Treasurer

Office Bearers (4)

  1. Appointment of Auditor

  2. Appointment of Patron

  3. Nominations for Life Membership of GPS Rugby

  4. General Business

 Please be advised that the election of office bearers to be conducted at the Annual General Meeting as per notice.

 Nominations are invited for the following positions –

  • President

  • Honorary Secretary

  • Honorary Treasurer

  • Office Bearers (4)

 All members are encouraged to nominate for positions.  Nominations will close at 5.00pm on Thursday 23rd November 2023.   All nominations are to be with the secretary by this time.   Nomination forms are available electronically from the Club Office or via the club website or by clicking here.


Please note that the only members and life members are entitled to vote at the AGM.  Members under the age of 18 are not entitled to vote but may be represented by an audit with a maximum of one representative and vote per family.  Your membership status is shown below.


Liza Hammond

Honorary Secretary

13th November 2023

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