History of GPS Book Project
After eighteen months of research, interviews, phone calls and surprises, the History of the great GPS Rugby Club is nearing completion. After another dozen or so interviews we will soon be in the position to put the text in order, collate all images, photos and illustrations and pass on to the publisher to set up the book.
There is still some time left, so if there is a story or memory about Jeeps, the players, coaches and supporters you might have been keeping quiet, I implore you to ‘spill the beans’ and contact Lloyd Graham to pass it on. You may have some memorabilia of significance in your shoebox that could be useful in the book – old programmes, photographs, press clippings or apparel.
The book is about Gallopers of all eras, people like you who have helped make this the greatest Rugby Club in Australia. Your contribution is valued and appreciated. Thank you.
Tax Deductible donations can be made https://asf.org.au/projects/gps-rugby-club/gps-book-2025
Lloyd Graham
0419 671 009